Can you support our efforts to keep helping the massive influx of students and teachers that have come to us in the past few months to cope with the overnight scrambling of the education system?
Our resources are well-poised to support both teachers and students as they aim to find enrichment activities and resources online, and as the rapidly unfolding situation continues, we are anticipating more, not less, need from our students and educators.
We need more money to keep up with demand (including students who want to take our internship online, teachers who want us to develop new videos, and students applying for our digital programs as their options close off.
We are estimating an additional need of $25,000 dollars through this school year to keep up with the increased pace of work. If you are able, please use the form or links to the right.
I understand that everyone is going through a difficult time, and if you are unable to donate at this time, we fully appreciate your past and future support.
We hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and in good spirits
With gratitude and urgency,
Priten and the U4SC Team